Meet Dr. Adam Wuollet, one of our primary wellness specialists at the New Biology Clinic

Dr. Adam Wuollet is a holistic physician that trained under the world-renowned Dr. Thomas Cowan. His undergraduate studies focused on physiology and later indigenous medicine in Ecuador. He attended medical school at the University of Arizona, with the intention to specialize in what he thought was most important: the heart.
His passion has long been to connect to and alleviate suffering. Adam went on to complete a residency in Anesthesiology and fellowship in Pain Management at the University of California – Irvine. His training was truly unique in that he trained both in complementary and alternative medicine at the Samueli Integrative Health Institute, as well as in the most advanced cutting-edge interventional procedures.
He was respected as one the top doctors in his specialty. Over time, it became apparent that modern medicine had far missed the mark with much that ails our society. While symptoms of the physical body and mind are mostly suppressed, the part of us which is invisible is not even acknowledged.
Adam is now focused on and passionate about guiding others to a more healthful life naturally. Although he sees a sickening population around him that needs more help than possibly ever before, Adam is more optimistic than ever about the future, with the discoveries of incredibly powerful healing modalities.
Adam doesn’t view the world as modern science portrays it, full of dangerous germs waiting to attack us. Neither are our bodies permanently broken as modern genetics teaches. Rather, believing the false models of modern science and living in continuous fear creates much of the chronic illness we see today.
He believes that we must address the entire being to be well. Illness is a result of imbalances in the body. Wellness returns when there is harmony. Deficiencies and toxicity lead to dis-ease. These can be physical, mental, or emotional in nature. The biggest deficiency is love and forgiveness. The greatest toxicities are those of the mind and heart, toxic thoughts and fear, and the most pervasive toxicity of radiation from wireless devices.
When we clear traumas/scars, both physical and emotional, life energy flows. Our bodies were created with an amazing ability to heal. When we nourish our body and clean up its “terrain”, and especially bring coherence to the water in our body, we thrive.
Quite often there are multiple different solutions depending on an individual’s preference or access to treatments. In general solutions cost much less, are void of all the toxic side effects of modern medicine, can be done in the convenience and comfort of your home (saves time and money), and lead to a more enriching/fulfilled life.
On the personal side, Adam cherishes his time spent with his family. He enjoys raising and homeschooling his 12 children alongside his wife, Maria. Much of their family time is centered around working and learning. Working on projects on the farm presents challenges, which allow for learning opportunities and also for having a good time together. Exploring and observing nature is the ultimate learning experience on the farm.
They love spending time outside on their farm, whether it’s gardening, tending to animals, or just relaxing and taking in the beautiful sounds and sights of the Ozarks.