Meet our enrichment services specialists​

Patrick Daly


Patrick has been in the personal training and wellness space for over a decade and through his journey, he has discovered a missing piece in traditional training approaches—the importance of nurturing the Spirit. This realization led him to develop a unique training style focused on nature’s spirals, the ethereal connection with water, and the incredible alchemical process within us.

Monica Corrado


Monica, a teaching chef, nutrition consultant and author, has dedicated over 20 years to educating individuals about the connection between food and vibrant health. She offers free group sessions and discounted personalized nutrition consults and cooking lessons for members of the New Biology Clinic, emphasizing traditional cooking techniques and the Gut-Brain Connection. She also uses her knowledge and experience to teach Certified GAPS Practitioners and Coaches.

Dr. Tatiana Agafonova


Tatiana is a chiropractor and advocate of reorganizational healing, dedicated to helping others on their self-healing journey. She inspires people to reconnect with their body’s wisdom, breath, energy, and conscience, guiding them towards healing and personal transformation. Dr. Tatiana offers various tools for healing, including breathing-integration exercises, biofield tuning, and guided meditation.

Stacy Claxton


Stacy is pleased to bring EFT, “Emotional Freedom Technique” (otherwise known as tapping) to the New Biology Clinic. EFT, or tapping, is one of the simplest, most practical, most effective, and most versatile strategies for shifting the body to a place of safety, healing, and connection where amazing changes happen.

Healing your body as nature intended. Virtual, easy, and affordable.

Join The New Biology Clinic for exclusive access to one-on-one support and group wellness activities. Our membership options cater to your needs, ensuring affordability and personalized care for your health concerns. With benefits that continually expand to add more value, you’ll experience a holistic approach to well-being like never before.


Monthly memberships and one-time consults available.