The Power of Emotion
Emotions set the frequency for our health. They program our cellular matrix and impact the charge in our bodies. In this upside-down and backwards world we currently live in, it makes sense that whoever is orchestrating the downfall of the human race would have to gain control over the collective emotional state. We have been experiencing this insanity for a very long time.
The emotional tone of the collective is an amalgam of each individual’s emotional state. At this important pivotal point in the future of mankind, the only way forward is to keep uncovering truths, reprogramming our beliefs and coming together. Our beliefs set our emotional tone. Ignore the collective’s beliefs, trust your instincts, and take your personal power back. This is the fastest route to good overall health.
As those of us who see how all of the current systems have been hijacked, the immense positive power that is created by us coming together is truly transformational. The lynch pin of the corruption is Western Medicine itself. It has been used to scare and control the masses, take away freedom, give our precious children to the state, set the lies and purposely hurt people. If you are reading this blog, you are not listening to those that have programmed the corruption. Thank you for that.
I am so excited to be a part of the New Biology Clinic. As this new model of truth and light gains momentum, the path towards creating a healthy and compassionate society is already in the process of carving itself out.
The key to physical and mental wellness is your emotional state. Humans are electromagnetic energy beings who express health at specific frequencies, and illness at other specific frequencies. The key to ALL ILL HEALTH is programming our cellular matrices with the RIGHT frequency. State of mind is the most important healing tool we have, hands down. The power of our minds is the key to destruction, and also the key to salvation.
In my private psychiatric practice over the past couple of decades, I noticed that my patients who got off of psychiatric medications and began to eat cleanly, drink clean water, and live lives that resonated with their souls fixed not only their mental issues, but their physical ones as well. They are seers, and truth seekers. They have taught me so much and shown me the path to where I am today.
Psychiatric patients are very gifted people. They have very sensitive emotional attunement. When they are in a negative mental state, this produces great suffering and ill health. However, when they are a good mental place, they are powerful immense lights in a world of darkness.
None of us have escaped anxiety and fear over the past few years. Many have experienced hopelessness and depression. That is a NORMAL response to a world gone mad.
The creation of the New Biology Clinic is the beginning of many things. It is the first clinic of its kind to teach and support people to go back to the ways of the old world that worked, while at the same time, empowering them to be in charge of their own health. As it grows, and as more of us come together on-line, it will eventually launch live events for us to come together and unify as the soul family that we are. The formation of a unified soul family is our way forward.
Current times are tough. We all have had many points of feeling down, depleted and like we are losing hope. I encourage everyone to shift your emotions in a positive direction by using the wisdom and resources offered at the clinic. We all have important and integral roles to play. Please remember that the little things are the big things. The best way to support yourself is to eat a ‘Nourishing Traditions’ diet, drink clean structured water, get out in nature, minimize your toxic exposure, move and breathe, and find your soul family to support and to support you.
It is such an exciting time for those of us who understand the upside-down and backwards truth of mainstream society. As we find each other, come together, and empower people with real healing information, we begin to transform the dark into the light.

Dr. Pamela Shervanick
Dr. Pamela Shervanick empowers individuals to uncover their beautiful spirit and live their ideal lives. With respect, she guides towards personal truth, dispelling brokenness and cultivating balance. Using nutrigenomics, orthomolecular medicine, and meditation, she develops holistic processes for wholeness in body, mind, and spirit.